6:30pm for a 7pm start- Monday 8th August 2005
Dinner in Reps Alcove, Parliament House, Canberra

Speaker: Dr Mary Anne Layden Ph D

Dr Mary Anne Layden, Ph D is the keynote speaker at the Sexual Integrity Forum, Parliament House, which is organised by the Fatherhood Foundation. The purpose of the Sexual Integrity Forum is to promote quality relationships between men and women for the purpose of ending the sexual exploitation of women and children in Australia in the 21st Century. Dr Mary Anne Layden is a psychotherapist and Director of Education at the Center for Cognitive Therapy at the University of Pennsylvania.  She is the Co-Director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program and the Director of the Social Action Committee for Women's Psychological Health. Dr Mary Anne Layden has appeared on TV and is a highly respected commentator on the effects of pornography, prostitution and the international trafficking of women in prostitution.      Dr Mary Anne co-authored the book Cognitive Therapy of Borderline Personality Disorder with C. Newman, A. Freeman and S. Morse.  She has written numerous chapters on Cognitive Therapy especially on treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder.  She specializes in the treatment of victims and perpetrators of sexual violence and sexual addiction.   She has testified before the U. S. Congress on five occasions focused on issues of sexual violence, the sexual exploitation industry and the media. She has lectured extensively both in the US and abroad on Cognitive Therapy, Personality Disorders particularly Borderline Personality Disorder, childhood sexual trauma, sexual addiction, sexual exploitation industry and imagery techniques. 

Monday, 8th August 2005
Dinner in the Reps Alcove 6.30 pm for 7 pm
Cost: $65.00 per head - 3 course meal (Drinks not included)
Seating is Limited so RSVP: before Thursday 4th August
Fax: 02 4272 9100
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Payment Method: Includes GST
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Dinner kindly sponsored by Jennie George MP for Throsby, and organised by the Fatherhood Foundation - PO Box 440, Wollongong  NSW  2520.  Ph: 02 4272 6677 Email: - as part of the Sexual Integrity Forum held in the Main Committee Room, Parliament House, Canberra -  8th & 9th August 2005